The cacao spirit wants you to discover your magic.
Cacao is known as a medicine for the heart, a gentle spirit meeting us wherever we are while allowing us to soften our hearts, minds and bodies.
As an adaptogenic, cacao facilitates muscular tensions and energetic blocks to relax and release, promoting a return to the pleasure of being fully present in the body and accessing its wisdom.
Cacao makes us feel great because of the Theobromine, Magnesium, Anandaminde - the ‘bliss molecule,’ and more, including PEA - the ‘love chemical.’ Cacao is also a superfood with nutritional benefits, containing vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Cacao is even higher in antioxidants than blueberries!
The consumption of cacao as a sacred elixir dates back 5300 years ago in South America with the Mayo Chinchipe culture. Since then, the Mesoamerican region in Central America, beginning with the Olmecs, then the Maya, and the Toltecs and culminating with the Aztecs, enjoyed cacao. Now it’s your turn to connect with the Cacao spirit. Just like love, each person is open to exploring it differently. And, unlike most plant medicine traditions, there is no set ritual for sharing cacao and no known lineage passed down.
Cacao invites you to come into your body, feel and integrate your emotions so you are more aligned, grounded and embodied. Some practitioners call cacao ‘embodiment medicine.’
Cacao promotes:
A sense of deep relaxation
A sustained boost of energy and mental focus
Greater awareness of one's heart center or heart cakra
Greater ease of identifying and releasing self-created limitations and emotional blockages
A deeper connection to spiritual and creative practices such as yoga, meditation, writing, dance, music
To have the most heart-opening and healing experience with your cacao practice:
Set an intention about what you want to receive or heal.
Sit in silence and allow it to emerge from the ground of your being rather than your mind. If nothing comes, ask Mama Cacao to bring you the medicine you need now.
Capture your intention in a journal to reflect on later. You may receive messages in your ceremony.
Make notes and reflect on what you have received, as it may deepen and expand your intuition.
Understanding the messages and integrating the teachings will deepen your experience and healing. Whatever repetitive thought, message, feeling or image comes when you work with cacao is a sign, a signal to follow and explore more deeply.
A daily practice with cacao is an invitation to connect to yourself and receive the benefits, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. It entails holding mental and emotional space with “intention, attention and energy” supporting your needs at that moment.
A simple, beautiful ritual to connect to the Cacao Spirit:
Find a quiet space, light a candle, and sit comfortably.
Allow your eyes to close as you hold your cup of cacao.
Notice any feelings arising in your body.
Inhale the aroma of the cacao, allowing it to engage your senses.
Allow your body to relax.
Call in the Cacao Spirit and your guides to support you.
Take your first sip and savour the cacao.
Pause and notice how your body responds, paying attention to any signals arising.
Continue to drink only as much cacao as your body desires.
Follow with meditation, breath work, movement, music or journaling.
Questions for reflection:
How does cacao make you feel?
What did the Cacao Spirit show me?
What changes will I make in my life due to this insight?
What is my next step to make this change?
Celestial Ceremonial Dose - by Saleste Mele
1.5-2 oz finely ground cacao
4 oz water
1 tsp raw honey
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp maca powder
Rose petals
Heat water until hot to touch (not boiling)
Pour a small amount of the water into the ground cacao and make a paste with a whisk; add more water gradually
Add vanilla, maca and honey and whisk to smooth perfection
Top with rose petals
ENJOY! May you expand upon the gifts you've received from Cacao Spirit. May you integrate your experience with her in the highest possible way, blessing your life with healing, transformation and love.